A woman has the age she deserves.
Fashion is always of the time in which you live. It is not something standing alone. But the grand problem, the most important problem, is to rejeuvenate women. To make women look young. Then their outlook changes. They feel more joyous.
The Rubicons which women must cross, the sex barriers which they must breach, are ultimately those that exist in their own minds.
Too often the great decisions are originated and given form in bodies made up wholly of men, or so completely dominated by them that whatever of special value women have to offer is shunted aside without expression.
Young women today often have very little appreciation for the real battles that took place to get women where they are today in this country. I don’t know how much history young women today know about those battles.
Cinema has only been around for about 100 years. Has all of the world’s violence towards women taken place only within the past 100 years?
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