America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy.
There can never be peace between nations until there is first known that true peace which is within the souls of men.
When Communist U.S.S.R. was a superpower, the world was better off. The right-wing media is trying to marginalize the peace movement.
Obsessed by a fairy tale, we spend our lives searching for a magic door and a lost kingdom of peace.
The most peaceable way for you, if you do take a thief, is, to let him show himself what he is and steal out of your company.
Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace. Money will come if we seek first the Kingdom of God – the rest will be given.
Nelson Mandela is, for me, the single statesman in the world. The single statesman, in that literal sense, who is not solving all his problems with guns. It’s truly unbelievable.
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